Akka A to Z: The Architect's Guide To Designing, Building, And Running Reactive Systems

Hugh McKee, Developer Advocate, Lightbend, Inc.
Oliver White, Chief Storyteller, Lightbend, Inc.


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By now, you’ve probably heard of Akka, the JVM toolkit for building scalable, resilient and resource efficient applications in Java or Scala. With 19 overall modules in the toolkit, Akka takes developers from actors on a single JVM, all the way out to network partition healing and clusters of servers distributed across fleets of JVMs. But with such a broad range of features, how can Architects and Developers understand Akka from a high-level perspective?

At the end of this white paper, you will better understand Akka “from A to Z”, starting with a tour from the humble actor and finishing all the way at the clustered systems level. Specifically, you will learn about:

  • How Akka Actors function, from creating systems to managing supervision and routing
  • The way Akka embraces Reactive Streams with Akka Streams and Alpakka
  • How to build distributed, clustered systems with Akka, even incorporating clusters within clusters
  • How various components of the Akka toolkit provide out-of-the-box solutions for distributed data, distributed persistence, pub-sub, and ES/CQRS
  • Which commercial technologies are available for Akka, and how they work, as part of a Lightbend subscription