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How to Run Akka on Google Compute Engine

Patrik Nordwall Akka Tech Lead, Lightbend, Inc.

In previous blog posts we have presented the fantastic result of Running 2400 Nodes and Starting up 1000 Nodes on Google Compute Engine (GCE). Now we will share the how-to experience we acquired when performing those tests. The documentation of GCE is excellent, so concepts and details will not be repeated here.

Preparing the application

Your application must have a class with a main method that the Java runtime will execute to startup the ActorSystem. We used Akka Microkernel, which provides this main class, but you can easily write your own main class or use akka.Main.

The binaries—classes, dependencies, configuration, start scripts—of the application should be packed in an archive file to be transferred to GCE. We used the Akka sbt plugin (dist) and a few command lines to create this archive:

sbt clean dist
mv target/dist target/akka-testapp-$VERSION
cp bin/* target/akka-testapp-$VERSION/bin/
cp gce-scripts1/* target/akka-testapp-$VERSION/bin/
tar -cz -C target -f target/akka-testapp
-$VERSION.tgz akka-testapp-$VERSION

A better way would be to use the sbt-native-packager, but that choice is not important for GCE.

GCE prerequisites

Sign in and create a GCE project.

Install and setup the GCE command line tool gcutil.

Starting the first GCE instance

We made one of the instances special in that we used it for collecting logs. For this instance we also used a persistent boot disk. The very first time it was started with:

gcutil addinstance n0001 --persistent_boot_disk 
6 --nosynchronous_mode --zone=europe-west1-a --machine_type=n1

This creates the persistent boot disk with the specified image. Thereafter this instance was started with:

gcutil addinstance n0001 --disk=n0001,boot --nosynchronous_mode 
--zone=europe-west1-a --machine_type=n1-standard-2 

When you have started n0001, you can almost immediately ssh into it with:

gcutil ssh n0001

You can stop the instance with:

gcutil deleteinstance n0001 --zone=europe-west1-a --nodelete_boot_pd 

We started other instances without external IP address, which means that ssh must be done via n0001.

Deploy the application with a persistent disk

In the large cluster tests we placed the application binaries on a persistent disk that was shared among the instances. This worked fine, but is inconvenient when trying out different changes, because a persistent disk can only be attached in write mode to one instance, and meanwhile it cannot be attached to other instances. Therefore we recommend to store the application binaries in Cloud Storage instead, which will be explained later. Anyway, it is a good exercise to understand how to use persistent disks.

Create a new persistent disk, in our case named akka-testapp:

gcutil adddisk akka-testapp --zone=europe-west1-a

When starting up the instance we attach this disk in read_write mode:

gcutil addinstance n0001 --disk=n0001,boot --nosynchronous_mode
--zone=europe-west1-a --machine_type=n1-standard-2

ssh into it:

gcutil ssh n0001

and mount the disk with:

sudo mkdir /mnt/akka-testapp
sudo /usr/share/google/safe_format_and_mount -m "mkfs.ext4 -F"
/dev/disk/by-id/google-akka-testapp /mnt/akka-testapp

Now we can transfer the application binaries to n0001:

gcutil push target/akka-testapp-0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz .

untar and place them on the persistent disk, /mnt/akka-testapp/

We also placed the JDK installation on that disk.

To start the application we used bash scripts defining JVM parameters and main class. We used a slightly different script for the seed nodes, but if you only need to run one ActorSystem per instance that should not be necessary.

Note that the host name (e.g. n0017) assigned when starting the instance should be used in the akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname and akka.cluster.seed-nodes configuration settings. From a start script the host name can be retrieved with $(hostname).

This start script is executed when the instance is booted by passing in a startup script when creating the instance. The startup scripts looks like this:

#! /bin/bash

sudo mkdir /mnt/akka-testapp
sudo /usr/share/google/safe_format_and_mount -m "mkfs.ext4 -F" 
/dev/disk/by-id/google-akka-testapp /mnt/akka-testapp

sudo tar -C /opt -xf

cd /mnt/akka-testapp/

Note how it mounts the persistent disk and in the end call the start script for the application. This startup script is specified when creating the instance with the metadata_from_file=startup-script argument.

gcutil addinstance n0017 --nopersistent_boot_disk
--nosynchronous_mode --zone=europe-west1-a
6 --kernel=projects/google/global/kernels/gce-v20130813
--disk=akka-testapp,mode=read_only --external_ip_address=none

The script for starting the 1500 instances looked like this:

The script for stopping the instances:

Deploy the application using cloud storage

The approach with the persistent disk is inconvenient when trying out different changes, because a persistent disk can only be attached in write mode to one instance, and meanwhile it cannot be attached to other instances. Therefore we recommend using following approach to store the application binaries in Cloud Storage instead.

For this you need to install another command line tool, called gsutil.

Create a bucket:

gsutil mb -l EU gs://akka-testapp

Package the application:

sbt clean dist
mv target/dist target/akka-testapp-$VERSION
cp bin/* target/akka-testapp-$VERSION/bin/
cp gce-scripts2/* target/akka-testapp-$VERSION/bin/
tar -cz -C target -f target/akka-testapp-$VERSION.tgz

Upload the tarball to Cloud Storage:

gsutil cp target/akka-testapp-$VERSION.tgz gs://akka-testapp

The same thing can be done with the JDK installation.

GCE instances can automatically obtain the necessary tokens to access Cloud Storage by adding the command line option --service_account_scopes=storage-rw to the addinstance command.

gcutil addinstance n0017 --nopersistent_boot_disk
--nosynchronous_mode --zone=europe-west1-a
6 --kernel=projects/google/global/kernels/gce-v20130813

The startup script can download and install the application and the Java runtime:

#! /bin/bash


gsutil cp gs://jvm/jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz - | tar -C /opt -xzf -

cd /tmp
gsutil cp gs://akka-testapp/akka-testapp-$VERSION.tgz - | tar xzf -
gsutil cp -R gs://akka-testapp/patches .
cd akka-testapp-$VERSION

#patch it
cp -a ../patches/* .

exec bash bin/

If you start the instances without external IP address it cannot access Cloud Storage. This problem is solved by installing a Squid proxy on one of the instances and use that proxy from the other instances as explained in the documentation.

This is what we did. Add a firewall rule:

gcutil addfirewall proxy-wall --allowed="tcp:3128"

ssh to the instance with public IP, and then install Squid

sudo apt-get install squid3

# Enable any machine on the local network to use the Squid3 server
sudo sed -i 's:#\(http_access allow localnet\):\1:' 
sudo sed -i 's:#\(http_access deny to_localhost\):\1:' 
sudo sed -i 's:#\(acl localnet src*\):\1:' 
sudo sed -i 's:#\(acl localnet src*\):\1:' 
sudo sed -i 's:#\(acl localnet src*\):\1:' 
sudo sed -i 's:#\(acl localnet src fc00\:\:/7.*\):\1:' 
sudo sed -i 's:#\(acl localnet src fe80\:\:/10.*\):\1:' 

# Prevent proxy access to metadata server
echo "acl to_metadata dst" | sudo tee -a /etc/squid3/squid.conf
echo "http_access deny to_metadata" | sudo tee -a /etc/squid3/squid.conf

sudo service squid3 stop
sudo service squid3 start

Since n0001 had a persistent boot disk this was a one-time installation.

In the startup script of the other instances we patched the configuration for gsutil to proxy through Squid on n0001:

# Proxy through n0001
echo "[Boto]" | sudo tee -a /etc/boto.cfg
echo "proxy = n0001" | sudo tee -a /etc/boto.cfg
echo "proxy_port = 3128" | sudo tee -a /etc/boto.cfg


It is not hard to see that Google Compute Engine is developed by top notch devops engineers.

The command line tools, gcutil and gsutil, are excellent for automating the startup and operation of a cluster with ordinary scripts. The excellent documentation makes it easy to understand how to use the tools. Running Akka on Google Compute Engine is a breeze. Try it out!