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The Reactive Principles: Eight Tenets For Building Cloud Native Applications

Jonas Bonér Founder, CTO and Chairman of the Board, Lightbend, Inc.

Eight Principles For Going Reactive 

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Many people ask us at Lightbend, is there a “right” way to build a cloud native application? We’ve certainly seen a lot of examples of what doesn’t work well–so what have we learned?

Well, we know that building applications for the cloud means embracing a radically different architecture than that of a traditional single-machine monolith, requiring new tools, practices, and design patterns. The cloud’s distributed nature brings its own set of concerns–building Cloud Native, Edge Native, or IoT applications means building and running a distributed system on unreliable hardware and across unreliable networks.

In this presentation by Jonas Bonér, creator of Akka and founder/CTO of Lightbend, we’ll review a set of eight Reactive Principles that enable the design and implementation of Cloud Native applications–applications that are highly concurrent, distributed, performant, scalable, and resilient, while at the same time conserving resources when deploying, operating, and maintaining them.

Watch The Full Presentation (1 hr)

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