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akka java8 webinar

Upcoming webinars: Akka Persistence and Java 8

As many of our readers know, we've been hosting monthly webinars now since August 2013, and (aside from some problems with Citrix not supporting Linux :) have experienced great success sharing content about our platform and related technologies with the community. Some of our most successful webinars have been Stefan Zeiger's Introducing Slick 2.0, Mathias Doenitz' s presentation about Spray on Akka, and James Ward on Optimizing Play for Production. We encourage you to check all of our webinars on our YouTube channel.

This month, we're hosting two exciting webinars, "Akka Persistence" and "Going Reactive with Java 8," both presenting exciting updates for Typesafe. We encourage to to register for one (or both) and even if you can't make it to the live session, we'll email the recording once we wrap up.

On March 19th, Patrik Nordwall will host "Akka Persistence." Akka Persistence is a new module in Akka 2.3 that adds actor state persistence and at-least-once message delivery semantics to Akka. Patrik will go over the following features:

  • Persistent actors using command and event sourcing
  • Reliable communication with persistent channels
  • Replicating events with persistent views
  • How to use persistence with clustering

Register now for the Akka Persistence Webinar on March 19th.

The following week, on March 26th, Björn Antonsson and Ryan Knight will present "Going Reactive with Java 8." Java 8's lambdas make building Reactive applications a whole lot easier and cleaner. Through copious code examples this session will show you how to build event-driven, scalable, resilient, and responsive applications with Java 8, Play Framework and Akka. On the web side you will learn about using lambdas for async & non-blocking requests & WebSockets. You will also learn how the actor model in Akka pairs well with lambdas to create an event-driven foundation that provides concurrency, clustering and fault-tolerance.

Register now for the Going Reactive with Java 8 Webinar on March 26th.

We hope you'll join us for both webinars! Come prepared with your questions, and go ahead and download Typesafe Activator beforehand to get up and running quickly.