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Akka provides the building blocks that make it easy for businesses to build, operate, and secure distributed applications.

Build reactive event-driven systems that take full advantage of the distributed nature of the cloud and are resilient to failure, highly efficient, and operative at any scale. Ensuring critical data is available when, where, and only for as long as needed.

Cut Costs–minimized data storage expenses and reduced server data traffic

High-performance, event-driven microservices

More sophisticated and experienced development teams

Requirements for deep control and granularity of systems

JVM-based, Java and Scala programming languages

Self-managed, self-deployed infrastructure

The Value of Reactive Microservices

Low Latency

Fastest possible speed

Performance Matters
Making operational or business decisions as quickly as possible is essential


Scales up and down

Efficiency Matters
Cloud infrastructure is usually one of the largest IT expenses for an enterprise – only use what you need


Systems are self-healing

Availability Matters
Network/cloud outages and device failures cannot be allowed to impact your business


Uses less infrastructure

Cost Matters
Shipping data round the planet is expensive … as is the cost of the infrastructure to process it

Build once for the Cloud.
Seamlessly deploy to the Edge.

Data moves from the Cloud to the Edge or in the reverse, so it is always available, in the right place, at the right time, for the right duration.

Software designed to run globally in the Cloud has not been well suited to run at the Edge and vice versa. Limiting an organization's ability to harness, distribute, and fully utilize the literal tons of intelligent data collected...until now.

Akka Edge provides a singular programming model that eliminates the high latency, large footprint, and complexity barriers the Edge has posed for development teams wanting to bridge the Edge and Cloud. Developers focus on business logic, not complicated, time-consuming tool integrations.

Akka Cloud-to-Edge Continuum

Unified Cloud-to-Edge Data Plane - Single Programming Model - Abstracted Infrastructure



Actors, HTTP, Streams, Cluster, Replication, Persistence, etc.

Building blocks for easily building, deploying, and running large-scale applications in cloud and on premises

Event-driven Reactive Microservices and APIs

  • Take full advantage of the distributed nature of the cloud
  • Resilient to failure, highly efficient, operative at any scale

Near Edge

Region to Region, Multi Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
Distributed Cluster

Brokerless Pub/Sub | Active-Active Event Replication

  • Multi-region, multi-cloud, on-premise, or rack in Edge cluster
  • Secure cross-cloud communication
  • Self-healing and resynchronization, even if complete communications outage
  • Send adaptively filtered events to the right destinations – reliable and highly configurable
  • Fast with minimal footprint

Far Edge

PoPs, Gateways, Edge Clusters

Brokerless Pub/Sub | Lightweight Storage | Scale to Zero

  • Data always exists wherever needed, whenever needed, only for the time it is needed
  • Data & Compute moves adaptively, together with the end-user
  • Data is always co-located with compute and end-user ensuring ultra low latency, high throughput and resilience
  • Efficient and seamless data synchronization with backend cloud

Real-World Akka Edge Customer Use Case Examples


Core technology for vehicle communication, data collection, and development of connected vehicle customer-facing applications.


Active-Active, Digital Twin, Filtered Data, and Edge Storage resistant to failure even if the network does. Automatic sync backup to cloud servers.


Collection and optimized use and distribution of renewable energy puts energy where and when it’s needed regardless of weather and power conditions.


Digital Twinning of data delivers real-time, hyper-personalized experience available anytime, anywhere.

Above and beyond

Akka delivers advanced functionality and feature sets teams need for program success, such as:

Akka Insights

Intelligent monitoring and observability

Enterprise Integrations

Multitude of deployment and monitoring options

Streaming Pipelines

Framework for quick construction, deployment and management of streaming data pipelines

Compliance & Enforcement of
Global Security Standards

Native support for encryption, data shredding, TLS enforcement, and continued compliance with GDPR

Developer Assist

Direct interaction with Lightbend engineers and project committers

Production Support

24x7x365 commercial software support

The Total Economic
Impact™ Of Akka

  • 139% ROI
  • 50% to 75% faster time-to-market
  • 20x increase in developer throughput
  • <6 months Akka pays for itself

Talk to an Expert

Tell us what you’re building, and we’ll
tell you how we can help.

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