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Typesafe Changes Name to Lightbend

Mark Brewer President & CEO, Lightbend, Inc.

I am excited to announce that we’ve concluded with the Typesafe rebranding process and now have a new name to share with you: Lightbend.

When we were founded in 2011, the name Typesafe was in alignment with our developer community and our Scala go-to-market approach. Over the past five years, the market has changed dramatically, and so has our company, with more than half of our customers representing traditional Java enterprises. We continue to evolve, becoming more language agnostic as we help our customers adopt a full platform for building systems that answer the modern needs of enterprises; systems that are productive across the entire platform, that are fully Reactive and natively embrace new Microservices and Fast Data architectures. Lightbend, we feel, strongly represents the evolutionary quality of this exciting journey.

Digital disruption is causing business leaders in nearly every industry to modernize their applications and infrastructure in order to survive. Consequently, a tremendous amount of development lies ahead and developers are in the driver’s seat. The challenge, as industry analyst Gartner identified, is “traditional application architectures and platforms are obsolete.”

This challenge represents an unprecedented opportunity for our company to accelerate the adoption of the Reactive Platform, our enterprise product powered by the tools and technologies our early customers and loyal developer communities around the globe have come to know, trust, and enjoy.

A first step towards accelerating adoption was penning the Reactive Manifesto to provide business leaders and technologists with a cohesive approach and common vocabulary to move from monoliths to Reactive systems; loosely coupled systems that are more resilient to failure and easier to update in the face of continuously evolving market conditions. The Manifesto has been translated into eight languages and has more than 13,000 signatories.

Along the Reactive journey, we solved an issue with data in motion by spearheading the Reactive Streams specification. Together with other powerful forces in the Java community we created a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure on the JVM. We are thrilled that Reactive Streams is slated for inclusion in JDK9.

As more and more developers began to leverage data in motion in their Reactive systems, we included Apache Spark support in our subscription and partnered closely with Mesosphere to tune Spark for Mesos, Databricks to refine Spark Streaming, and IBM to bring its Spark Technology Center initiative to life.

As more Reactive systems entered into production, we recognized the burden this placed on operations. So we launched ConductR, a deployment orchestration technology that takes away the risk and pain of deploying and managing distributed Microservice-based systems. We also released our Monitoring solution, which provides deep, real-time insight into Akka-based systems. The ability for our customers to understand, manage and improve their Reactive systems has never been better.  

And yet we haven’t stopped here. Today, we also announced our latest innovation designed to speed the adoption of Reactive systems: Lagom. It’s a complete dev-to-production experience for Java enterprises. It provides an opinionated framework for decomposing monolithic applications into Microservices and leverages ConductR for tackling the heavy lifting of deploying Microservices in production.

This tremendous market opportunity, in parallel with our company evolution, has been the main fuel powering the transformation of our name. We’re excited to have you along for the journey!